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Hands & Land Outside the Market / A'dam

Hands & Land Outside the Market Friday 21 April 2017, from 17.00 hrs Terre Lente, Westerstraat 55H, Amsterdam with Mohamed Rassoulou Niang, aka Lamine (SOS Rosarno) and Souleiman Mohammed, aka Muda (Diritti a Sud) When Lamine and Muda arrived to Italy from Africa, they could only found employment as seasonal farm

workers, experiencing extremely precarious working and living conditions. Today, they are leading members of the associations SOS Rosarno and Diritti a Sud (Rights to the South), active respectively in Rosarno (Calabria) and Nardὸ (Apulia), campaigning against the exploitation of migrant workers in agriculture and for the establishment of truly multi-ethnic societies. Over the last few years, together with other migrant and local workers, they have launched projects of collective farming, producing organic, “exploitation free” fruit and vegetables and selling it through alternative, self-managed chains. Now, together with other groups of farmers, workers, critical consumers and activists, they are building up the national network Fuorimercato (Outside the market) promoting mutual aid and food sovereignty and practicing the alternative social relations they would like to become the norm in the future. Come and join us… - to meet Lamine and Muda and hear more about their stories - to learn more about SOS Rosarno and its agrcultural cooperative Mani & Terra (“Hands & Land”), Diritti a Sud and its project SfruttaZero (“Zero Exploitation”) as well as the network Fuorimercato (“Outside the Market”) - to sign up for the launch of a solidarity purchasing group supporting these experiences - and, last but mot least, to taste some delicious, organic, "exploitation free" Italian food! At the end of the meeting, there will be an ‘aperitivo Fuorimercato’ This event is organised by Terre Lente in collaboration with Le Cucchiarelle Rosse / De Rode Pollepels (political cooking collective) and the Environmental Committee of SCHOLAS (ISS student association) For more information on the event, please contact: Luigi (Terre Lente) tel. +31 6 19 95 60 75 E: or, Giulio (de Rode Pollepels) tel. +31 687 17 56 57 E:

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